
Welcome to the world of mental health! During this course, you will learn to understand others and yourself in a more integrated way. The course will enable you to promote mental health in the community, a much-needed competency to help heal the wounded world we live in.

Mental health is the basis for the well-being of individuals. It is not only the absence of a mental disorder but the ability to know, learn and understand one's emotions and the reactions of others. Mental health is a balance, between oneself and the environment. Physical, psychological, social, cultural, spiritual, and other interrelated factors play a part in this balance. There are inseparable links between mental and physical health (WHO 2021).

Who Should Enrol

The course is developed for and aimed at nurses working in health care facilities and in the community.

Learning Outcomes

After completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Define mental health and mental illness.
  • Describe the Mental Health Care Act No 17 of 2002.
  • Describe and differentiate between mental health disorders.
  • Demonstrate a psychiatric assessment and supportive interview.
  • Explain reasons for confusion in health care users.
  • Identify and refer children with behavioural or emotional difficulties.
  • Identify and refer persons at risk for suicide and deliberate self-harm.
  • Discuss the health and mental health implications of substance abuse.
  • Discuss the mental health implications of HIV/AIDS.
  • Discuss the guidelines for routine screening investigations of mental health care users.
  • Explain resources for follow-up of mental health care users.

Course Design

This is an eLearning course.

Course Content

The following modules are included in this short course:

  1. Introduction Mental health for the nurse.
  2. Legal and ethical framework for mental healthcare.
  3. Mental health assessment and interventions.
  4. Mental health disorders.
  5. Substance use and dependency.
  6. Children with behavioural or emotional difficulties.
  7. Mental health implications of HIV/AIDS.


Participants are assessed by means of multiple-choice questionnaires at the end of each module. In order to be successful, a pass mark of 50% is required.


FPD will award successful participants with a certificate on completion of this course should they successfully complete the assessment process.

Course Fee



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Fax: 086 550 3692


Address: P.O. Box 75324, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040


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